Booking information


You can contact me through instagram at Jack_padointattoo or via the booking link through this website although I find DM’s are much quicker for replies. When booking your tattoo, please include a description of your thoughts. Be sure to include reference photos, particularly photos of my works that appeals to you. This gives me a greater understanding of exactly what you’d like. Please state whether or not you’re after my flash or a custom design. Also, include a desired size in cm’s as well as the positioning on the body. Most flash designs can be altered upon request however this may result in having the design redrawn completely, yet still based off the initial concept. The majority of designs from flash sheets are created to be repeated. Reference photos sent through for custom work will be used soley as inspiration, as I will modify the design to fit a similar concept in my style, as this ensures originality across all custom designs.


Due to respect for all artists and their creations, I avoid replicating existing tattoo designs. The only exception to this being, traditional imagery as these designs have been reproduced for hundreds of years. You should respect and entrust in your artist’s vision to create something authentic for each individual to the best of their ability. My art is of my intellectual property and is not to be reproduced in any way, shape or form without my consent.


A non refundable deposit and drawing fee (for custom work) will be required to secure a date for your appointment and to cover the labour of design. Your appointment is not secured until your deposit has been received. This deposit will be deducted from the final pricing of your tattoo.

Depending on the sizing and placement, your tattoo may require a consultation. Smaller scale tattoos won’t necessarily require a consultation unless requested. For example if you have a specific gap that you’d like filled in which i’ll always be happy to do. Typically, a consultation is required for larger scale pieces as this gives a more accurate indication of design during the creative process. Please note, that sometimes designs may not render the same on paper as they do on skin. This is because your design is specifically created for a tattoo, not just a drawing on paper.


Be sure to arrive at your appointment well rested and ensure that you make time to eat a decent meal before your tattoo. Having something to eat before your appointment will go along way, as getting tattooed can be a draining process, mentally and physically on your body. If you don’t have time to make something at home, there are plenty of cafes and restaurants in the area. Make sure you’re well hydrated and feel free to bring a sugary drink/lollies to keep your blood sugar and energy levels up. This particularly applies for day/longer sessions.


A deposit is required to join and secure a spot on the waiting list. Your place on the waiting list is not secured unless I have received a deposit from you. The waiting period is currently around a one to three month wait, depending on when you contact me during my booking cycle. I will notify you during the booking process and be in contact with you closer to the time frame discussed to organise an official date for your tattoo appointment or consultation. I usually take on a limited amount of custom work requests at any one time and my books reopen every couple of months. However, my books are always open to tattoo flash designs. I ask for your patience for replies as I am one person answering a numerous amount of messages a day.